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 Warren Cormier – Partner and CEO

CEO - Warren Cormier Warren Cormier is CEO and cofounder of Boston Research Technologies (BRT). Prior to BRT, Warren was President and founder of Boston Research Group. Warren is a veteran in the financial services industry with more than twenty-five years of quantitative and qualitative experience in financial services research for investment companies (both retail and institutional clients), banks and insurance companies.  He also has extensive experience in the areas of workplace culture, employee engagement and employee benefits.

Warren is also recognized as a market research leader in the Defined Contribution industry.  From 2006-2011, he was voted by DC professionals into the Top 20 Most Influential People in the Industry.  Warren is the author of the DCP 2000-2012 plan sponsor, participant & advisor satisfaction  and market dynamics studies, which have become the standard for service quality and trend measurement in the 401(k) arena.

Warren is also the cofounder of the Behavioral Finance Forum with Dr. Shlomo Benartzi.  The mission of the forum is to foster collaboration between the world’s leading behavioral finance academics and leading financial institutions to help consumers make better financial decisions.

Warren currently also sits on the faculty of The Retirement Advisor University (TRAU).


Ravi Misquitta – Partner

Partner - Ravi MisquittaRavi Misquitta is a senior partner and cofounder, involved in every aspect of strategy, research design and delivery. Ravi is an expert in market research, distribution strategy/analytics and innovative tools. Prior to cofounding BRT, Ravi was the President and founder of the Revelo Group, a research and strategy firm focused on the asset management industry. Prior to founding the Revelo Group, Ravi headed the market research and distribution analytics group at iShares, BlackRock, where he focused on evolving brand, product and distribution strategies through market research, for institutional and retail audiences across BlackRock’s businesses. Ravi brings a very unique sense of research and strategy, helping shape brand, product, marketing and distribution strategies across the asset management landscape.

Prior to BlackRock, Ravi headed up market research at Barclays Global Investors, with a high degree of focus in helping shape the iShares ETF business.

Prior to Barclays Global Investors, Ravi spent most of his career in the financial services industry, building start-ups and most notably consulting in a Management and Business Strategy capacity for both Accenture and Ernst & Young.


Dave Volpe – Partner

Partner - David Volpe

Dave Volpe is a senior partner and cofounder of Boston Research Technologies (BRT).  Prior to founding BRT, Dave was the President and CEO of Research Data Technology (RDT), a firm focused on providing research technology solutions to Fortune 500 companies.  Dave Volpe heads up the technology group and is actively involved in providing vision and guidance ensuring BRT’s ongoing success developing creative and effective data management and technology solutions.  Dave has more than 25 years of experience collaborating with corporate marketing, consultancies, and full service research organizations in the development and implementation of countless complex data management challenges.  Dave earned a BA in business management from Bentley University and initiated his career as Director of Data Processing for Temple, Barker, & Sloan’s (now Oliver Wyman/Lippincott) Decision Research Corporation.


James Watt, Ph.D. – Head of Analytics and Innovative Research Tools

Associate - Jim Watt

James Watt is a senior leader in the field of advanced analytics and heads up the development of innovative research analysis and analytics infused tools. James is also the Emeritus Professor of Communication Science at the University of Connecticut and was formerly department chair and Director of the Social and Behavioral Research Laboratory at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is the coauthor of two books (Watt & Vandenberg, Research Methods for Communication Sciences; Watt & VanLear, Dynamic Patterns in Communication Processes), and over 80 peer-reviewed research articles, conference transactions, and book chapters. He has been Principal Investigator or co-PI on 24 research grants and contracts from the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, National Institutes of Health, National Association of Broadcasters, and corporate sponsors.

Prior to his role in BRT, James Watt led the development of the Ph.D. program in Marketing Communication at the University of Connecticut and a B.S. program in Games and Simulation at Rensselaer. A focus of Dr. Watt’s research for the past 20 years has been development of digital communication technologies for marketing and communication research. He has developed a number of software programs and systems for commercial and academic research, and was a cofounder of one of the first Internet survey research firms in 1994, for which he was primary software architect. He holds patents and copyrights on research systems currently in active use for television pilot and commercial message testing, remote focus group research, and statistical data analysis. He also holds an engineering degree and is a Life Member of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).