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Our Thinking

Simulation Tool Optimizes DC Recordkeepers’ Chances of Being Selected by Large Plan Sponsors

A recently released study and online simulator, by Boston Research Technologies (BRT), reveals the weights large plan sponsors place on a wide variety of factors when selecting recordkeepers.  Using the quantitatively-derived weights and the accompanying simulator, recordkeepers can determine which one, of the various ways they could position themselves in specific sales contests has the highest probability of success.  It also takes win-loss research in a new direction, from simply …Read More

7 Ways Recordkeepers Can Demonstrate Value and Increase Client Loyalty

The #1 driver of overall satisfaction is the provider’s ability to demonstrate that the “value” they deliver is well worth their fees and other costs.  Importantly, “loyalty” is also highly correlated with “value”. These findings were identified in the most recent release of the annual Defined Contribution Plan study (DCP) that included 2,700+ plan sponsors. Since 2000, the annual DCP study, conducted by Boston Research Group in partnership with LRN, …Read More

3 Key Dimensions of Product and Brand Personality

In 2008, one of our professors in the RAND Behavioral Finance Forum, Dr. Meir Statman of Santa Clara University, introduced a ground-breaking concept he called “brand and product personality”.  This concept has continued to withstand the passing of time, providing a roadmap on how best to manage and measure brands.  Regardless of whether you sell luxury goods, advisory service, recordkeeping, etc., this concept is important in navigating your brand to …Read More